What is the Future of Website Design: How Will Web Design Change?

Where do you think you shall be five years from now? Actually, how about ten years?

It’s not possible to make an estimated guess about a person’s life. Upcoming trends and changes in the digital environment help define web design. There is nothing written in stone, but a close study of the market and its influencing factors can give an insight into what tomorrow will bring to the table.

Integration of AI and Chatbots

Artificial intelligence is the most controversial topic of our generation. It’s predicted to revolutionise everything from education to healthcare, and from politics to law.

Many of us fear the potential that a new technology holds for our future, even though we might not be able to fully appreciate what it offers us today.

Whether you’ve already got an established ecommerce business, a great idea for a new product, or you just have a passion for selling.

Chatbots can be used for many tasks, but their most popular use is in customer service.

When you’re running your own business, it pays to know the things you can do to keep your customers engaged on a 24×7 basis.

Chatbots are like virtual customer service agents that can handle customer service issues, questions and requests.

Chatbots and AI might look like automated personal shoppers for e-commerce users, which might lead to the death of traditional web design.

A coupled stream of human intervention and AI help will become the new norm.

Augmented Reality

Now that they have their first big hit, IKEA wants to create an app that lets customers see their furniture before they buy it – and it’s really boosting their profits!

In fact, 61% of online shoppers already prefer a website that has some version of AR implemented.

As technology continues to evolve, users will need both hardware and software to support AR in all its forms.

Designers of products, services and experiences must think about creating an interactive environment, where location-based elements overlap the real world aesthetics.

With its object recognition feature and other capabilities, Google Lens will have countless applications, and facial scanning will be an important feature in social media.

The webpages must conform to a specific look and feel.

Voice Interface

Amazon’s Alexa, Apple’s Siri and Google Assistant are growing their world by leaps and bounds.

Amazon Echo is the first device to successfully integrate Alexa, the digital assistant, into the home.

The screen is useful, but it is best to have a dedicated camera that is pointed where you are talking, so you do not need to

Web design needs to adopt this conversational approach in the layout process and the content. How to rework these sentences:

It would be a complete overturn of all the fundamental principles that the concept stands for.

Long-tail keywords and FAQs will be the core content strategy that breaks the traditional boxes of web design.

The complete application will certainly come, but for now, let’s focus on the basics.

Accessible Websites Protect Against Lawsuits

As these lawsuits are increasing, website designers should ensure that their websites are accessible

You can make the text readable by using screen reader software.

Various web hosting companies offer green hosting, such as:



Fat Cow

Companies that are eco-friendly use energy efficient servers to host their websites.

Some companies are moving to green hosting, and the reason for this is they want to reduce their carbon footprint.

Integration of Data Science

You won’t find any one-stop-shop for brand presence. Instead, focus your efforts and efforts on creating your own site and managing the site.

The Internet of Things is changing the way we think about devices in our homes, offices, and even our cars.

Web design has grown from being the “low-tech” solution to a high-tech art form to becoming a science.

The variation would be much similar to the mobile-responsiveness wave, with the difference of applying to routine machines like refrigerators and cars.

The future would put the data scientist and web designers into one box, allowing them to work together synergistically.


A check on the technological advancements of the world is impossible. It is simply too fast-paced to keep up with everything that is going on around us.

In such scenarios, the future of websites shall be completely user-oriented.

An understanding of how people interact with technology will be essential for anyone hoping to create innovative experiences.

You can always decide for yourself. Choose from the four different perspectives in order to determine which is your best option.